Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to Couple Communication 1

  • 2

    Building a healthy couple relationship

    • Introduction to the 7 C's and Building a Bridge

    • Caring

    • Considering

    • Communicating

    • Collaborating

    • Celebrating

    • Contributing

    • Committing

    • Bringing it together - Plus a bonus C

    • Instructions: Video, Text, Workout and Assessment

    • Text - A healthy couple relationship

    • Self assessment / Action plan Instructions

    • Assessment - How healthy is our relationship

    • Caring for self, partner, and us.

    • Text - Caring for Self, Partner, Us

    • Workout - Uncaring & Caring about self

    • Workout - Uncaring & Caring about my partner

    • Workout - Caring about self & partner

    • Workout - Attending to Uncaring & Caring actions

    • Issues

    • Text - Definition of issues / Types of issues

    • Workout - Identifying my current issues

    • Self-Assess - How healthy is our relationship Download Resource

  • 3

    How do I talk

    • Overview - Styles of communication

    • Demonstrating Talking Styles

    • Small Talk / Shop Talk

    • Text - Choosing Styles-Small Talk / Shop Talk

    • Control Talk

    • Fight and Spite Talk

    • Text - Choosing Styles - Control, Fight, and Spite

    • Text - Choosing Styles - Summary of Fight and Spite Talk

    • Search Talk

    • Text - Choosing Styles - Search Talk

    • Aware Talk

    • Text - Choosing Styles-Aware Talk

    • Quiz - What Style Is This Instructions

    • Quiz - What Style Is This?

    • Workout - My Talking Styles

    • Workout - Observe Styles

    • Workout - People in Your Past

    • My Brain and the Styles I Use

    • Text - My Brain and the Style I Use

    • Workout - The Low and High Road

    • Quiz - What Style Is This? - Download Resource

  • 4

    Understanding Myself

    • The Awareness Wheel

    • Introduction and Demonstration to a Happy Memory

    • Text - The Awareness Wheel Map Overview

    • Build an Awareness Wheel Happy Memory

    • Sensory Data Video

    • Text - Awareness Wheel Map - Sensory Data

    • Workout - Recalling a Happy Experience in Life

    • Thoughts Video

    • Text - Awareness Wheel Map - Thoughts

    • Emotions Video

    • Text - Awareness Wheel Map - Emotions

    • Wants for Self, Other, and Us Video

    • Text - Awareness Wheel Map - Wants for Self, Others, Us

    • Actions: Current, Past, and Future Video

    • Text - Awareness Wheel Map - Actions: Current, Past, Future

    • Demonstration - Mapping an Issue

    • Text - Using the Awareness Wheel to Map-the Issue

    • Workout - Using the Awareness Wheel to Map-the Issue

    • Six Talking Skills

    • Text-6 Talking Skills

    • Instructions: Identifying Talking Skills

    • Quiz - Identify Talking Skills

    • Workout - Change Fight and Spite to Aware Talk

    • Workout - Practice Talking Skills

    • Workout - Express Appreciation

    • Self-Assessment - Talking Skills

    • Awareness Wheel and Assessment download resources

  • 5

    How do I listen? - Understanding my partner

    • Welcome

    • Tracking Demonstration

    • Workout/application

    • Styles and Cycles Overview

    • Text-Choosing Listening Styles Overview

    • Conventional Listening

    • Text-Conventional listening

    • Evaluative Reactive Listening

    • Text-Evaluative/Reactive Listening

    • Explorative Listening

    • Text-Explorative Listening

    • Workout /Application - Ask open questions

    • Attentive Listening

    • Text - Attentive Listing Style

    • Listening Cycle Overview

    • Text - The Listening Cycle Map

    • Attentive Listening Skills

    • Text - Attend - Look, Listen, and Track

    • Acknowledge Listening Skill

    • Text - Acknowledge - Other's Experience

    • Invite Listening Skill

    • Text - Invite - More Information

    • Summarize and Ask

    • Text - Summarize to ensure to accuracy

    • Text - Ask Open Questions

    • Conclusion

    • Workout - My Listening Styles

    • Workout - Past listening experiences

    • Workout - Practice Attentive Listening Skills

    • Self-Assessment and Action Plan - Instructions

    • Self-Assessment and Action Plan - My use of Listening Skills

    • Assessment download resource

  • 6

    Conflict and Collaboration

    • Welcome

    • The Third Force

    • Text - The Third Force - Process

    • Resolving Conflict

    • Avoid

    • How I Avoid

    • Text - Avoid

    • Persuade

    • How I Persuade

    • Text - Persuade

    • Float / Flounder

    • How I Float / Flounder

    • Text - Float / Flounder

    • Compromise

    • How I Compromise

    • Text - Compromise

    • Collaborate

    • How I Collaborate

    • Text - Collaborate

    • Workout / Application - How My Partner and I Deal With Issues

    • Co-Mapping an Issue Overview

    • How to use mats

    • Demonstration - Co-Mapping an Issue

    • When to use Co-Mapping

    • Text - Co-Map the Issue

    • The Process of Using Both Mats Together

    • Text - Identify the Issue

    • Understanding the Issue

    • Text - Understand the Issue

    • Identify Wants for Self, Other, Us (SOU)

    • Text - Identify Wants

    • Generate and Consider Options

    • Text - Generate and Consider

    • Choose "Best Fit" Future Action

    • Text - Choosing the "Best Fit"

    • Test, Carryout, and Evaluate

    • Text - Test, Carryout, and Evaluate

    • Demonstration - Co-Mapping a Relationship Issue

    • Workout/Application - Co-Map-the-issue

    • Self-Assessment and Action Plan

    • Closing - Completion

    • Downloadable Resources